First EP Out Now

Hello. My name is Christy. It’s nice to meet you. 

I grew up in Southern California and still have the pleasure of residing here with my sweet husband Marcus, and our pup, Rory (named after Rory Gilmore, of course). I’m a suburban girly at heart with a love for wide open parking lots and easy access to Trader Joe’s. 

My parents raised me in church, and I was one of the kids that actually enjoyed it. I always felt I had a deep, personal relationship with Jesus, and began leading worship at a very young age. However, I also had an inquisitive mind, and I wrestled with the world’s big questions a lot: i.e. If God is good, why is there so much suffering? And the like. 

This eventually led me to pursuing my Master’s Degree in Ministry. My plan was to answer every deep philosophical question I had ever had in the span of two years, and be better equipped to write songs for the church as I continued to lead worship. I’m not sure it really helped me with either of those things. But I did realize that trusting God is the way to go, and not understanding everything is just a part of being human. I’m happy to say that is sufficient for me now. 

My current project is really a result of landing on the other side of a hard several years. Several years of a tough Master’s program, relational trials, and emotional turbulence had finally come to an end (and not without a lot of tears). I was seeing clearly for the first time in a very long time, and enjoying the view.

So I wrote this album called “Waking Up”. It’s all about waking up to the life God has for you. It’s when the fog finally lifts and you are free. I hope it helps you find freedom too. That you might breathe deep and easy and know that He is God. 

Random Facts About Me:

  1. My greatest claim to fame is probably that I’m one of the “Aye Aye Captain” kids in the SpongeBob Squarepants theme song. If you have ever been in a get-to-know-me circle with yours truly, I have probably shared this fact.

  2. I am a solid 5 ft tall. And yes, I do have a Napoleon complex.

  3. I am a re-watcher. I will never turn down an opportunity to view Gilmore Girls (of course), Julie & Julia, Ratatouille, or The Holiday



As seen in Medium, the Malibu Times, Tasty New Music, Love in the Lyrics, Aspire to the Empire, and more!